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Insights - What's on our mind

Here is a selection of articles and thought-pieces to help you make better decisions.

Should I Retire Early: 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself First Thumbnail

Should I Retire Early: 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself First

I am often asked by my younger clients and those in their mid-career stage (ages 50 - 60) whether or not they should consider retiring early. This is a great question to ask and unfortunately I don't have a straight answer for you. As with most things in life, the answer depends and it is a highly personal decision. In order to help clients assess their readiness for retirement, both financially and psychologically, here are some of the questions I like them to answer. While this list is not exhaustive, nor necessarily in order of importance, it will give you a good place to start on your path to deciding your retirement plans and will hopefully open up new areas for consideration and exploration. At the end of the day, the goal is to help you make the best retirement choices possible, for you, your spouse or partner, your family and your friends.

Investment Retirement Funding Family
Hedge Funds vs. Private Equity: A Quick Overview Thumbnail

Hedge Funds vs. Private Equity: A Quick Overview

The term hedge fund has evolved from the early days when hedge funds actually hedged their positions as compared to the general markets. Today, though, hedge funds are private investment funds that follow a variety of strategies (Global Macro, market neutral, Long/Short, commodities, etc.) many using leverage, in order to generate outsized returns (many times with outsized risks) versus the market. In many ways they are less-regulated mutual funds with higher fees. Their performance across time has been shown to be relatively average (with high costs) and many large institutions have begun to pare back their exposure to the funds.
