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"A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Ebersole Financial LLC is an independent financial advisory firm helping individuals and their families plan for their futures.   We are based in Wellesley, Massachusetts, where we are raising ours. If you are dealing with uncertainty about your finances and/or stress related to managing your investments, we can help. 

We work with recently single individuals (widows/ers, divorcees), mid- to late- career executives and retirees. We are proud of our independence which allows us to make your needs and concerns our top priority. Our fee-only, no-commission policy means that our focus is on listening to you, not trying to sell you a product or align you with a strategy that doesn’t match your goals.  Let our expertise and personal attention give you peace of mind as you navigate important financial and personal choices and realize your financial future.   We are here to help you achieve your goals for the next year, the next decade and the next generation. 

In this time of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, war in Russia/Ukraine and inflation, we realize you may have pressing questions about your individual financial situation including your investment portfolio and 401(k) accounts, your individual financial goals and the current market environment. Please click below on the appropriate button to schedule a time to speak with us.

We are here to help.  

At Ebersole Financial LLC, we believe that your money (and your advisor) should be working as hard as you do. And there should never be a question of who is working for whom. 

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See what we're all about

Honest. Integrity. Your Advice.

We partner with you to develop a plan that will reduce your levels of stress and allow you to live your best life. 

At Ebersole Financial, we believe that investors' needs should always come first.  We don't sell products, nor do we accept commissions on any recommendations that we provide to you.  This allows us to provide you with the advice you need and helps us minimize conflicts of interest. We don't think that merely suitable is an appropriate criterion for your investments and the advice you receive.

What we believe...

  • Your advisor should only be working for you. Ebersole Financial LLC is a registered investment advisor with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are independent, sell no products and accept no commissions. Compared to many of our competitors, this means that we work for you and we put your interests first, not the interests of a corporation and its bottom line. By maintaining our independence, we can provide you with advice tailored to your situation and not focused on selling this month's hot offering.  
  • Fiduciary is not a bad word. As a fiduciary we place your interests above our own. This helps reduce some of the conflicts of interest that can appear in relationships with other non-fiduciary advisors. Plus, it just feels right.
  • A well-developed and implemented long term strategy should help you ignore the distractions of the financial media. Everywhere we turn these days, whether on Twitter, Facebook, CNBC or CNN, pundits are providing us with myriad opinions on why stocks are moving and how the stock market will perform in the future.  We believe that the financial media, including economists and strategists for most major firms, exist to sell products, not to provide you with useful information. By tuning out the din of the financial media and focusing on long-term, proven investment strategies, we will help you avoid the mistakes many retail investors make and help you maximize your returns.   
  • Your investment strategy should reflect your values. At Ebersole Financial, we work with you to identify what is truly important to you and we incorporate your values into your investment approach. Some clients value market-based returns and a focus on low-costs. Other clients are concerned about the impact of carbon emissions on the environment. Still others are interested in gender-equality and local issues. In each case, Ebersole Financial will work with you to develop a plan that helps you achieve your goals. 

Our founder grew up in the family accounting business and from a young age was steeped in the world of numbers. It introduced him to a way of doing business that always put the client first. Jamie saw first-hand how good accounting and tax advice benefited clients and could turn them into lifelong friends. He also saw (all too often) the damage that bad financial advice could cause when a fiduciary relationship was missing. This was a driving force behind his decision to help others avoid the negative effects of bad advice and get the advice that they needed for their situation, not for the broker's bank account. Over the years, the virtues of saving, long-term investing and hard work were continually reinforced through frequent conversations with his grandmother, who was an ardent investor in the stock market, his father, a CPA and early CFP holder and his mother, a CPA and former math teacher. Seeing too many tax seasons up close and personal taught Jamie that he didn't want to join the family business but instead use his interest in numbers to help others achieve their financial goals and dreams.  After many years of education including two MBA degrees, a Master's degree in History, a CFA Charter and a CFP certificate, and a career in institutional investment management, Jamie founded Ebersole Financial LLC in 2014 to fulfill his vision of bringing independent, institutional-quality advice to individuals and families.

Jamie Ebersole, CFA, CFP Photo Jamie Ebersole, CFA, CFP Hover Photo

Jamie Ebersole, CFA, CFP

Founder and CEO


Jamie Ebersole, CFA, CFP®

Jamie Ebersole is the Founder and CEO of Ebersole Financial LLC. He enjoys interacting personally with all clients and oversees all accounts, utilizing his comprehensive knowledge of investment strategies, risk management, asset allocation models, retirement planning,  and income tax and gift planning for high net-worth individuals and their families.

Prior to founding Ebersole Financial, Jamie spent 15 years working with large financial institutions helping them reach their investment goals. During that time, he was responsible for the oversight and management of investment programs of more than $1.5 billion on behalf of those clients.

Early in his career Jamie worked in the financial planning and mutual fund accounting businesses.  Following his MBA studies, Jamie spent the next 15 years working for Allianz Private Equity Partners (part of the Allianz Group) in New York and later  SL Capital Partners (part of the Standard Life Group) in Boston, managing private equity investments on behalf of institutional investors, including insurance companies, public and private pension funds and family offices.  As Managing Director at each firm, he was a member of the investment committee and responsible for setting investment strategy.  Jamie has extensive experience dealing with family businesses, as the child, brother and grandson of small business owners, and he relishes now being a member of  the family business community himself.

Jamie earned both a Bachelors and Masters degree from Tufts University here in the Boston area.  He later earned an MBA from The Red McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in Santiago, Chile. Jamie has lived overseas for extended periods of time including stints in Munich, Germany, Santiago, Chile, London, England and Vienna, Austria.

Jamie is a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), a CFA® charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute (Chartered Financial Analysts). He is an active member of the FPA of Massachusetts (Financial Planning Association), serving on their NexGen Committee.  In this role, Jamie has championed the MentorMatch program which aims to pair new planners with experienced planners in a structured mentoring program. He is also a member of the CFA Society Boston and the Boston Estate Planning Council.

An active community member, Jamie has served in local town government, and served as the Chairman of the community board  for The Fund for Wellesley from 2018 -2021.  He is also actively involved with  Rosie’s Place in Boston as a member of the Audit and Finance committee. 

How can we help you?

Wealth Management You can Trust

We work with you to develop a plan that fits your needs and will give you the best chance to achieve your goals. 

Ebersole Financial offers financial planning for all stages of life. We are ready to guide you as you plan funding for your children’s education, for your retirement or to meet another life goal. We work with executives to help them understand their RSAs, RSUs, ISOs and NQSOs. We work with seniors to develop spending plans to meet their active lifestyles. And in today’s dynamic career environment, we are ready to counsel the youngest working generation as they manage 401(k)s and other benefits as they transition between jobs. Let us tailor a personalized and well-designed plan that will help you implement financial solutions and realize your goals. You don't need to and shouldn't make these important life decisions alone. 

We believe that there is a strong link between financial planning and investment management, and coordinating these activities is key to achieving your goals.  Based upon our expertise, investment management is a core element of the services we provide for our clients.  Mr. Ebersole’s extensive background in private equity and the institutional asset-management world give him a unique perspective on investment opportunities. He specializes in bringing the skills and focus of institutional investors to the individual investor. For more information about our services and fees, please see our Form ADV and our Fee Table

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Here are some of the ways we work with our clients.

Case Studies



Young Family
You are recently married and have your first child on the way. You have few investment assets but a lot of questions about the steps you need to take to get started in the right direction. 
Targeted Strike Planning Package
We will work with you to develop a targeted financial plan focused on the 3-5 key priorities at your stage of life. This may include budgeting, insurance needs, maximizing work benefits including retirement accounts and a strategy for saving for a home and the expenses of a growing family.  
Do-it yourself Investor
You have accumulated significant assets and consider yourself a DIY investor. You also see the value in having an expert help you think through and implement your strategy, as two heads are better than one.  
Portfolio Monitoring
We will work with you to review, assess and manage your existing portfolio on a non-discretionary basis. You keep your assets wherever you like and you manage the portfolio. We will provide the advice and ideas. 
Female Executives
You are a busy executive in a high-paced firm with barely enough hours in the day. In addition to your day job, you are dealing with the complexities of RSAs, RSUs, ISOs and a compendium of other abbreviations that make your head spin.
Integrated Investment Management and Financial Planning
We work with you and your team of existing advisors (CPA, Estate Planning Attorney) to develop a comprehensive financial plan that includes integrated investment management. By integrating investment planning, tax planning and estate planning considerations, we can help you maximize your wealth while reducing your stress. 
Successful Investor
You've built and managed your portfolio on your own and you are looking for some peace of mind that you are making good choices. Or, maybe you are working with an advisor and have questions about your portfolio but don't know the right questions to ask.  
Portfolio Review / Second Opinion
We work with you to review your portfolio to answer whatever questions you may have. Amongst other things, we review performance, asset allocations, costs, and individual mutual funds and stocks. There is never a bad time for a second opinion. 

No one knows exactly what the future will hold, but we all need to make decisions today that will impact the following days, weeks and years. At Ebersole Financial we work closely with you to develop a financial plan for two main goals:  

1) to help you understand your current financial situation, and 

2) to guide you on your chosen path forward. 

The financial planning process is different for each client.  Factors such as whether or not you have completed financial planning in the past, your stage of life and the the complexity of your individual situation will influence the process. Whichever situation you may be in, we work with you to identify what is important, to highlight concerns and then develop a plan to help you reach your goals.

Key elements of the financial planning process:

Working together to identify your goals and needs - Through a series of initial meetings we will get to know you (and your family) and the goals that are important to you. 

Collecting and Analyzing Data - After identifying your goals, we work with you to collect the relevant financial information to develop a detailed picture of your current situation.  Only at this stage, with your goals and information in hand, will we begin to formulate recommendations that will help you move toward your goals.  It's not uncommon to find that some of your goals may not be realistic based upon your current situation. In such cases we work with you to prioritize what is important so that you can work toward a future of possibilities, not limitations. 

Building a plan to move you forward - Armed with your input from the data collection process, we will craft a plan that is both realistic and achievable. This will become the basis of your financial planning dashboard which will be the guiding document to make the plan a reality.  

Periodically revisiting your plan to make sure it is working for you - Follow-up is one of the most important elements of our process. There is a tendency to celebrate (prematurely) once the initial plan is finalized. But if the plan only sits on a shelf and collects dust, it doesn't do you any good. We check in with you on a mutually agreed schedule for the first year to ensure we are taking steps to move the plan forward.  Most clients decide to continue on as long term clients as they understand the value of having a guide help them stay on their chosen path.

At Ebersole Financial we help you manage your investments so you can focus on the other important areas of your life. Our approach relies heavily upon academic research that indicates that long-term, low-cost, market-oriented strategies give you the best chance to achieve your goals. We don't chase performance.

Our core tenets:

1. Focus on controlling the things you can control.  We believe that controlling operating costs and managing risk through proper diversification and asset allocation are a winning strategy. We don't try to actively beat the markets as that has proven a losing proposition for the vast majority of active investors over the long run. 

2. Let the markets and time work for you.  It is expensive and difficult to beat the market.  We advocate using market-based mutual funds from Dimensional Fund Advisors and index-oriented mutual funds and ETFs from firms like Vanguard and BlackRock to ensure we are taking advantage of market levels of return. By investing in strategies based upon well-tested academic theory and by keeping costs low, we can take advantage of market level returns for the long term.  

3. Develop a plan and stick to it.  At Ebersole Financial we believe it is critical to have a long-term plan and to stick to it. The average investor is prone to moving in and out of stocks at exactly the wrong time because they don't have a long term plan. They tend to be overly focused on short term market movements that can cause them to make bad decisions. We will work with you to develop an investment policy statement (IPS) that captures your unique circumstances, risk tolerance and long term investment goals. We will then build a low-cost, diversified portfolio to help you reach those goals. We harness the power of markets and market level returns to help you avoid mistakes and reach your long term financial goals. 

4. Values-based investing doesn't necessarily mean underperformance. ESG, SRI and impact investing are growing areas of interest for our clients and a passion of our founder.  The development of new technologies and investment products focused on values-oriented investing means there are many ways to incorporate such an approach into your portfolio without sacrificing returns. Whether you are concerned about global carbon emissions, gender-equality, or areas such as environmental stewardship or firearms, we can help you build a portfolio and investment approach in-line with your values.  

Socially Responsible Investing / ESG 

At Ebersole Financial LLC we know that investment performance is important. We also know that your values are equally important. And we don't believe that investing based upon your values necessarily means lower expected performance. Working together we will review your current portfolio and develop concrete action steps you can take to make your portfolio more SRI or ESG friendly, based upon your individual goals. In the process, we can likely find ways to reduce the overall cost of your portfolio, which will be friendly to your wallet, too. 

We know that the values-based investing landscape is littered with buzzwords, acronyms and jargon that, quite frankly, can be very confusing. In order to help you better understand how we think about values based investing, which we take to include SRI, ESG and Impact investing, we have provided a short primer below. 

What is values based investing? This is investing that is based upon defined values that you hold. This has generally come to mean a concern about the environment or defined social causes, gender and economic equity and the local economy.  But, it can be defined much more broadly or narrowly than that. 

What is SRI? - Socially responsible investing (SRI) began as a faith-based initiative at the behest of large Church pension funds and tended to initially have a negative based approach, such as screening out guns, alcohol, tobacco or firearms.  Today SRI has become relatively mainstream and has broadened its approach to include a focus on social causes such as diversity, gender equity and privacy rights. An industry has developed around providing SRI-type investment vehicles, including mutual funds and ETFs. 

What is ESG? Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is generally thought of as a positive approach to screening investments. The United Nation Principles of Responsible Investing (UNPRI) tend to be the guiding framework for the ESG movement as adopted by large, multi-national corporations and global pension funds.  ESG tries to identify and support the good corporate citizens with positive relationships to major stakeholders groups (employees, local community, shareholders, etc.), strong corporate governance (board diversity, audit controls, etc), and a record for promoting good environmental stewardship (low or no carbon emissions, low pollution, reducing antibiotics in the food supply chain, etc.) This is a growing segment of the financial services industry and as such, there are a significant number of investment products focused on this space. Because of the scale of this market, major index providers have developed SRI and ESG focused indices to help investors monitor the performance of "good corporate citizens" and which also serve as the basis for many mutual fund and ETF products. 

What is Impact investing? - Impact investing is the most recent addition to the mix and has tended to be focused on hyper-local activities that directly affect a cause in a local community (e.g. CRA lending programs, community farms, local affordable housing, etc.) Because this is a local activity, it is a relatively fragmented market and more difficult to access without significant time and resources. This is not a mainstream asset class as of yet, but there are more and more investment options appearing every day. 

While this primer is intended to be educational, it only scratches the surface of values-based investing. It is a dynamic market segment that we expect to grow and evolve as more investors realize that investing for good can be good for their finances. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of values based investing, Ebersole Financial can help you find a solution that is right for you. Please contact us today to schedule a review of your portfolio and to discuss your values and how they can be incorporated into your investment strategy.

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We offer a free consultation to all potential clients to determine how we might best be able to work together. Life is too short to be in a lousy relationship.

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If you prefer, send an email and we'll find out if we are a fit. In the case that we can't help you, we are happy to refer you to someone who might be better positioned to do so.